"It takes a lot for an introvert like me to be comfortable with someone, especially when it's about letting out my worries. I felt at ease with Dr. Malik right from the beginning. The kind of environment she creates, the way she helps you connect the dots, you know you're in safe hands"

Neha Gupta
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Dr. Lubhana is extremely passionate and committed to make a difference in her clients’ life. She made me feel at ease, helped build a profound connection to open up my deepest emotional wounds that needed healing. In today’s stressful environment, it’s my privilege to stay in touch with Dr. Lubhana to take practical tips that can help me take empowered and well thought decisions in sensitive areas of my life. I mean it, thanks for being who you are!"

Akilesh Suri
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(Name Changed)

"With Lubhana, I feel that one can talk about anything under the sun, even the most private matters. She does not judge you at all and puts herself in the other person's shoes, thus making you feel at ease. After every session I always feel more hopeful and optimistic about life and much better than before!"

Manish Chopra
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Dr. Malik is a wonderfully warm person. She eases you into the process. I got a lot of insight on situations in my life after our conversations, which have really helped. I always look forward to our sessions. Thank you for being so empathetic, understanding and absolutely non-judgemental."

Vipen Jha
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Thank you so much for everything Lubhana!! I've been coming to you since last summer and I see a marked difference in the way I deal with things now. I am feeling much better and even through all the turbulent times, able to hold my own!"

Manik Ahuja
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Lubhana is my sibling's therapist and has been a tremendous support for us! I have interacted with her during progress update sessions that involve my sibling, Lubhana and me. She has managed some difficult concerns very well, for example: non-compliance (medications), and was able to positively connect with my sibling, at a time when we struggled. Lubhana absolutely upholds her clients' confidentiality, and always has their growth and best interests in focus."

Maheshwai Das
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(Name Changed)

"Before I started therapy, my ears had been filled with how I'd have to go through multiple therapists to find the right fit. Fortunately for me, I didn't have to go beyond my first attempt with Dr. Lubhana. What I like about her style is that she keeps it authentic and relatable, while striking a good balance between being gentle and firm. Lucky to have her in South Delhi!"

Poornima Kohli
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"A warm welcome and a bright smile is what I always got when I met Dr. Malik. A patient and attentive listener and never to interrupt during our sessions are some of the key attributes of Dr. Malik. I always felt lighter and relaxed after my sessions with her. Thanks doc for your help and support."

Shiv Bhagat
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(Name Changed)

"I have had Dr Lubhana as my Counselor for over a year now. She has helped me tremendously in overcoming my fears and anxieties and in giving me a fresh perspective. I have been able to clear mental blocks I've had for years. I now view my depression as an experience that made me stronger! All thanks to her!"

Nikhil Malik
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(Name Changed)

"A rough patch in my life made me lose the slightest bit of order and sense of normalcy. In an effort to make sense of it all I landed up at Dr. Malik’s with absolutely no intention of following through. Surprisingly, I did follow through and this small stint turned into a journey to self discovery. Slowly with Dr. Malik’s help I’m restoring order in that same chaos that led me to her. As cliched as it may sound I’m finally taking charge and I just can’t express in words how it feels to be me again all thanks to Dr.Malik."

Anju Khatri
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Dr lubhana Malik is a thorough professional and has the patience and sensitivity required for a good therapist. Her clinic is spacious and airy and very welcoming and creates the right therapeutic ambience for intimate conversations."

Lalit Joshi
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(Name Changed)

"When I came to doctor lubhana, I was very vulnerable and on edge. She really understood me, helped me calm down. Understood my condition and her confidence in me really motivated me. There were things I didn’t understand abt myself which become much clearer after meeting her!"

Ayesha Seth
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"As an expat and mother of 2 kids under 10, I was struggling with a hell lot! I was feeling alone, lonely, empty, angry, unattractive and unworthy. I deperately wanted to seek therapy but did not have any luck. At a friend’s recommendation I got onto Dr. Malik’s 3 week long waiting list; and boy am I glad that I waited! Just 2 months of therapy with her and I was a changed person because of which my relationship with my husband, children and friends also improved. She is warm, dynamic, knowledgable and extremely understanding."

Beth Anthony
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"I sincerely appreciate you being a pillar of strength and positivity for many a troubled person including me!"

J. Mangal
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Dr. Lubhana Malik is just the perfect person to interact with and get a sense of clarity on emotionally draining life situations. Her ability to listen without judgment is a reassuring factor that provides a sense of calm and helps soothe a much troubled mind. Dr. Lubhana personifies Professionalism with a positive energy."

Ryan O’ Connor
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"My wife and I have been separated for a few years, because of this my relationship with my four children was also estranged. I think you (Dr. Malik) have a good understanding of my psyche and emotions. You (Dr. Malik) are able to analyse the problem and offer a direction.” /p>

Aditya Grover
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(Name Changed)

"Dr. Malik is very a insightful and observant person. Talking to her is such an easy and stress free process. She helps you reflect over your problems and assists you in understanding what is the central issue as well as how best to approach the issue. She encourages you to think about yourself and prioritise yourself whenever it’s needed. What is interesting is that she has creative ways of taking you through a process of discovery."

Swati Rath
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(Name Changed)

"Dr. Malik engaged with me from the get go and that put me at ease. She’s a pleasant person who creates an environment that feels safe – something that I believe is imperative for therapy to have a positive impact."

Jai Rastagi
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(Name Changed)

"Thank you so much Lubhana, you're really great. Past few months have been transformational and you deserve due credit. I'm glad I continued with therapy"

Saumya Singh
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(Name Changed)

"Thank you for everything. I mean you have helped me much more than you realise. Plus I do trust you a great deal and that’s not because of the confidentiality, which as you know is not common for me. So really thank you isn’t even close enough"

Arti Chandra
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(Name Changed)

"Dr. Lubhana is one of the best therapists I’ve met. She’s efficient in her work and is able to understand the issues really well. She is well experienced and very observant too."

Rohan Wadhawa
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Dr Malik is an experienced and insightful therapist. Our sessions have been very productive and have begun showing results in a short span of time. Highly recommended!"

Karan Bose
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"Dr. Lubhana Malik is a very patient listener. She is extremely professional yet friendly. She helped me to deal with my frustrations, anger and numerous things, which used to bother me. She helped me understand the sensitivity of each and every issue and helped me to cope with it. I am sure the experience will remain with me for a longer run and I would highly recommend people to go for such a comforting therapy."

Arjun Khanna
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(Name Changed)

"I was too lost for a long time. I knew about my insecurities but didn't know why they were there. Dr. Lubhana sorted my head out. I've been a careless client who hasn't been regular but she never misses a chance to welcome you. You will never feel awkward talking to her about stuff. And the best part-she isn't that "all smiles" woman. She speaks to you with a straight face and I feel that's really genuine. And she will give u time to heal. She won't rush it. Thanks for being you"

Kartik Kapoor
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(Name Changed)

"Lubhana helped repair very important relationships, which we were not successful in doing with some other counsellors. She did it by gaining the trust of all of us, and with her open and easy way of communication"

Vinay Chhabra
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(Name Changed)

"Lubhana is a brilliant therapist who works very methodically to help you achieve your goals. She is a patient listener and open to feedback, and very insightful. Working with her has improved my health immensely and I will unhesitatingly recommend her to anyone looking for a psychologist. Thank you, Lubhana!"

Akhil Bhatia
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"My experience with Dr. Lubhana Malik has been full of learning meaningful lessons and getting a hold of my emotions. She's a great listener and is extremely experienced with her work. She's quick and accurate with providing dimensions to what one might be feeling and creates a sense of comfort and warmth. In a period as short as 2 months, I've felt a great sense of recovery and all because of therapy with Dr Lubhana."

Kamya P.
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"I felt very comfortable with Dr Lubhana from the very first session, and could discuss my concerns openly. This has helped me make a lot of progress in a short period of time. She has helped me see new perspectives with regards to my own concerns that I didn't know existed"

L. N. Nath
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Just as the saying goes "It takes quite sometime to find the right psychologist who can help you". Well I can say that my journey of finding the right one ended here. It's always refreshing and enlightening having a session with Dr Lubhana."

Pushkar Naik
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"You are an extremely helpful and friendly person. I really felt comfortable talking to you. Your sessions really helped me to come out of this phase of my life. Hope you always do well in life! Thanks a lot!"

Samay Pratabh
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(Name Changed)

"I have been visiting Dr Lubhana Malik for a couple of months now and the sessions with her have helped me deal with problems in a better manner. She has been terrific at identifying and understanding my problems and has been genuinely concerned about my well-being. Dr Malik has always carried out sessions in a professional, supportive and a comforting manner. Thank you for your guidance."

Sahiba Sadhana
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(Name Changed)

"Lubhana is helping me work through some very complex and dark emotions. She puts me at ease to be able to share my fears with her, and conducts sessions at the right pace. I find myself becoming more stable and independent as a result."

Rakesh Sahani
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"I have been to a lot of counsellors in Delhi. Dr. Malik you are definitely the best. You are very non judgemental and friendly. You have been extremely patient with my daughter. You are also very easy to talk to. You a quite cool !"

Prerna Gulati
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(Name Changed)

"I went to Dr Lubhana Malik for individual therapy after some unfortunate events in my life. I did not know what to expect and now that I have had a few sessions with her, I can say it was time and money well spent. Dr Malik listened to my concerns, my frustrations with utmost concern. She helped me realize things I couldn't see and helped me regain my self-respect and confidence. I looked forward to my sessions with her and am grateful for the hours she helped me understand myself and what is right or wrong. I would highly recommend Dr Lubhana Malik to anyone seeking individual therapy."

Bhavna Arora
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"I must appreciate the remarkable ease with which she handles her clients. She helped me find my inner peace by communicating with me in the most comfortable way. Its a worth experience which is really going to help me in the long run! Must recommend it to everyone looking for a comforting therapy."

Vinod Mishra
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Lubhana is very easy to speak to and often makes you address questions about yourself that you would otherwise ignore."

Anmol Kapur
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Going to Dr. Malik was a completely impulsive decision. With no background check and idea of how therapy works I took a leap of faith, which I am glad I did. She's easy to open up to, non-judgemental, objective and very professional. Most importantly, she enables you to think for yourself. No spoon-feeding. When the answers come from within, they carry more meaning and weight than someone having to tell you what to think."

Devki Kumar
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Dr. Lubhana, I am thankful to you for having walked me through a crisis. Your therapeutic approach for my pre-adolescent child's anger issues and behavioural problems has been extremely beneficial. He is a much happier child now with good insight into emotions. Thanks a ton."

Deepak Nanda
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"Lubhana is an extremely patient listener. She creates a very friendly and easy atmosphere, which allows you to feel comfortable immediately. She has an ability to make you rationalize your behavior and actions while making you appreciate yourself. She helps bring extreme clarity and respects you for all your decision making while helping you understand yourself better."

Maria Joseph
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(Name Changed)

"Thanks a ton for all help Lubhana! I am at peace now. You are wonderful!"

Mukesh Joshi
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"I am grateful for knowing Dr. Lubhana and her genuine compassion, support and insight. Effective in her creative methods, she builds trust with ease and makes you feel safe and respected even in your most vulnerable state. Not only has she helped me through a very rough time in my life but with her empathy, wisdom and positivity she inspires me to feel hopeful about my future. Thank you Dr. Lubhana for being there and guiding me through this crucial journey."

Neha Mehta
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)

"After meeting several therapists, I finally felt a great connection with Dr. Malik. She always made me feel very comfortable. She managed to work with the present problem as well as deeper issues that had probably led to the problem in the first place. I found it refreshing that her approach and pace of therapy was very client oriented."

Urvashi Sudhakar
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(Name Changed)

"I have to thank Doctor for everything she has done for my daughter. My daughter used to be very quite, lacked motivation and confidence and did not participate in family discussions. It is all thanks to Doctor that she is now talking to us and finally opening up about her troubles. She has also gained confidence and a purpose in life. Through her individual and family sessions, our understanding towards each other has increased and many misconceptions my daughter harboured about our opinion of her have cleared out as well."

B. Raghavan
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"Dr. Lubhana has a way of making you feel safe and secure. My experience has been one where I felt like we weren't just working at a quick fix but were building resilience towards a long term change in mind-set and my way of life. She's delightful and her sense of possibility makes you feel like everything will really get better."

Jyothi Rao
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(Name Changed)

"Lubhana is extremely perceptive, she always knows what I am thinking, what I am about to say and the reason behind both things. Yet, she will always let me come to all those conclusions all by myself, this is what I appreciate most about her style of work. What this has done for me is that, it has enabled me to handle and work through a lot more than I could before I met her"

Manoj Aggarwal
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(Name Changed)

"I have seen many therapists, in India and abroad, and I understand that therapists are supposed to be non-judgemental. However, it is only with Lubhana that I actually felt that no matter what I said to her about my life, husband and children she won't judge me or them for it. She truly helped me turn around my anger, resentment and negative thoughts. I gained deep understanding and the ability to channel and work through everything."

Bina Gupta
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(Name Changed)

"Dr. Lubhana had a way of making me feel at ease. Our sessions were very detailed and interesting- made me see our relationship in a whole new light. She listened with great compassion and patience to all I had to say. Felt lighter and happier after the interaction. Would love to go back and talk to her about life and relationships."

Preeti Kumar
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"Dr. Lubhana's expertise about young couples helped me understand my partners expectation of me and vice versa. We were made to think in several directions about one another, which I had never done before. Everything was completely confidential which helped us be honest and accurate about our feelings as she comforted us in opening up to her. All in all it was a wonderful experience and I came out of it as a better husband and better human being."

Rohan Kapoor
(Name Changed)
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"Lubhana is someone on whom people can consistently rely. She gives of herself with genuine kindness, compassion, and generosity. She relates to people with incredible ease, and her ability to maintain an empathic & open stance while still holding herself to the highest professional & ethical standards is unmatched. Talking to Lubhana was like talking to an angel; an angel whose magic can give you power & improve your relationships."

Ananya Gupta
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"Talking to a warm and understanding therapist like Lubhana is not only an experience but a beautiful journey. She makes one feel completely comfortable about expressing themselves.I had such a great time talking to her, making me want to say ... lubhana is the best!!"

Kamani Raichand
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"She is excellent at her work, very warm and very earnest. I highly recommend her as she has the ability to understand complex human relationships. She makes you feel at ease and is a wonderful person herself."

Vikas Mohan
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"I was very pleased with my experience with Dr lubhana malik. She patiently lends an uninterrupted empathetic ear. I have always been able to openly speak to her about anything and everything without the fear of being judged. Dr Malik has always been supportive and helped me to find clarity".

Manisha Chopra
(Name Changed)
(Name Changed)
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