Family therapy is a process in which a trained therapist conducts sessions with different family members (together and separate) in a safe and confidential environment. The purpose of family therapy is to help identity and resolve the presenting problem and in the process help strengthen your relationship with your family. Family therapy may or may not include individual/ child and adolescent or couple sessions depending on the presenting problem.

The Indian culture has been noted for its collectivist culture, family and relationships become an important part of an individual's identity. Thus, psychological illness or disturbance of one family member may not just be the cause but also the effect of the family dynamics. Similarly, marital relationships often get disrupted due to family dynamics.

Joint Family Dynamics

A joint family is made up of many individual family units. Each unit though may have their own worldviews and thought processes, needs to function as a whole keeping in mind the guidelines of the family. Couples/ children may sometimes face distress due to such dynamics.

My role is to help you understand how to effectively manage life in a joint system, while experiencing enhanced intimacy in your relationship wihout disrupting your core family sentiments or values.
Nuclear Family Dynamics

A nuclear family is an individual unit comprising of a couple (with/ without their parents) and their children. Though regular life is different for such families compared to the joint units, life stressors, issues with family and intimacy issues continue to persist.

My role is to help you understand how to effectively maintain healthy relationships with your families, while experiencing enhanced intimacy in your relationship.
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